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Agnes AzriaSongwriterLos Angeles, CAStory & Photos by Lauri LevenfeldAgnes Azria is a young, modern-day woman with an old, soulful voice that combines a powerful blend reminiscent of the jazz era with the latest pop influences. In her debut music video “The Beauty Myth”, Azria reveals a great understanding of how beauty standards have impacted womankind and kept male domination intact. Inspired by Naomi Wolf’s book, Agnes uses her hyp- notic voice and poetic lyrics to evoke a conversation on complex, feminist topics and to denounce women in their traditional roles as trophies. And yet when meeting Azria in person, a whole other experience manifests itself in a upbeat, playful and mystical artist slip-sliding in the hallways and doing somersaults on the backyard lawn. See the story > |
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Violett BeaneActressLos Angeles, CAStory by Lauri LevenfeldPhotos by Lauri Levenfeld & Anna ZhangMakeup & Hair by Irmina Martinez Loeffler Violett Beane is not only a successful and talented actress but a young lady with a whole lot of conviction and heart. Whether she is protecting the rights of animals via her vegan practices and campaigns for Peta, or addressing the nation with outspoken words on gun reform and mental health institutions, Violett’s number one on the agenda is to be a good person, treat others with kindness and help make choice decisions that benefit a brighter world for everyone. It is no wonder we fell instantly for this bright and shining star, and her fluffy new pup companion Kora (who tagged along) was an added bonus. This article is chock full of wisdom from a prodigy we are certainly watching. See the story > |
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TamtamSongwriterLos Angeles, CAStory & Photos by Lauri LevenfeldMakeup & Hair by Irmina Martinez LoefflerAs I strolled down a snowy alleyway in NYC this past December, I heard an alluring, ethereal voice coming from an open boutique in Soho. This voice as I would come to find out was Saudi Arabian (and now LA resident) songwriter TamTam. A female artist dedicated to bridging the gap between the Middle East and the West with her unforgettable voice, powerful lyrics, and unconventional style. At age 13, Tamtam moved from her native country to California because her parents wanted their children to see the world through a different lens. Tamtam took the opportunity to channel her passion for music and upstart her career on youtube. After a quick discovery by Geena Davis among many, Tamtam has used her spotlight to inspire conversation and awareness around topics such as gender equality. Her latest EP single Blue, depicts the ever-changing “blues” in nature and how they depict vastness, unpredictability and melancholy, all of which she felt at the dissolve of her latest relationship. See the story > |
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Amanda SteeleVideo Blogger & ActressLos Angeles, CAPhotos by Lauri Levenfeld & Anna ZhangStory by Lauri LevenfeldStyling by Courtnee Scully for LaLaLuxe Makeup & Hair by Irmina Martinez Loeffler At just 10 years old, Amanda Steele started creating content on YouTube celebrating her love of makeup and fashion. Today at 18, she is one of the most celebrated and sought-after digital stars to date. For Steele, success has come staying true to herself, being passionate and engaging in authentic connect- ions with her audience, while remaining humble and eager to change and adapt. Today Amanda shares her best tips for starting your own Youtube channel, while sharing insight and the #bts on building a platform, brand partnerships, and navigating a new, exciting acting career. See the story > |
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Ashley DickinsonKinda KindChicago, IllStory and Photos by Jessica EpsteinActs of kindness small and large are so meaningful in shaping society. The smallest bit of consideration or thoughtfulness can change someone’s day, someone’s outlook and even their life. Yet with so many demands on one’s day many people find themselves stressed and stretched, forgetting to engage and interact in the simplest act of being kind. With some humor, a light heart and some perspective, Ashley Dickinson of Kinda Kind is making Kindness Badass. No matter who you are or what you’re doing, we all make a difference. We all want to get ahead but while we do, let’s do it with kindness. Ashley’s stories promote this outlook on life and she finds her examples everywhere, reminding us how we can live in this rushing world and still take time to be thoughtful in big and small ways. After all Kindness IS Badass.
1.Who are you? And what life experiences have led you to create Kinda Kind? I’m Ashley Lauren Dickinson and I’m on a mission to prove that kindness is badass. Too often people confuse kindness with being a weakness… and that sucks! Kindness is an awesome strength.… See the story > |
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Emma KennedyComedianLos Angeles, CAStory and Photos by Lauri LevenfeldI may be a teensy bit won over by Emma Kennedy (she IS family ), but outside of bloodlines Emma shines like a star in every way. With a heart of gold, this girl has the power of women in tow. If she wasn’t out to make the world laugh first, she would be saving the lives of innocent women forced into trafficking and slavery (a calling she will soon answer). And anyone who would jump into an RV ready to tour the country (as a comedian and for the first times on stage) is a badass in my eyes in every way.
1.Tell us about yourself and your passion for your work. I love acting and I’ve done theatre my whole life. I even have a BFA in Acting, which I see as basically four years of fantasy reality where I got to express myself- laugh, cry, drink, and sing show tunes with my fraaaands (thanks Mom and Dad). I made the big move to LA because that’s what you do after theatre school (well, most people move to New York but I grew up in Wisconsin and…).… See the story > |
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Kat SmithWriter & Founder of Everything She KnowsSan Francisco, CAStory and Photos by Lauri LevenfeldI absolutely love featuring young women taking on the world and Kat Smith of Everything She Knows is no exception. In the last year of her 20’s decade, Kat has decided to take on the likes of this ultra crazy decade providing candid, real and intimate stories of women around the globe reflecting on this time in their lives and sharing their wisdom and experiences. By taking this important conversation live, Smith has created a powerful forum where women are integrated into one another’s lives. Everything She Knows is establishing a community amongst the generations to learn, grow and love one another. Kat reminds us all that we are never alone and support is always within our reach. And being on the other side of my 20’s (okay 30’s!), it is a kick and a reminder reading all these incredibly honest stories that there is a light when there is suffering. And it is this light that makes us each more beautiful, wiser, and stronger. I feel extremely honored today to contribute my own story to this deeply profound site. After you have finished Kat’s story below, bring your morning coffee along to see me and all the other dynamic women featured by this captivating prodigy!
Congrats on your new blog, tell us who you are and about Everything She Knows? My name is Kat and I am a writer living in San Francisco. Over the last three years I have run a humor blog and a fashion blog and, while these two… See the story > |
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Khuyen DoFashion Intern + College StudentPhotography by Andrea PosadasStory by Andrea PosadasFor many of us, finding a path to our passions can be a windy and sometimes unclear road. While it is normal to change the course by trial and error as we grow and learn about ourselves, many times the answers to who we are and where we are suppose to be are evident from a young age and if we stop to see ourselves authentically, these answers are clearly mapped out from the beginning. Khuyen Do had all the makings of a fashion maven from the beginning, and as she has learned to tap into her natural talents and vision, her purpose became more clear and her opportunities more abundant. The journey of this soon-to-be college graduate is just the beginning…
My name is Khuyen Do and I’m about to try my hand at freelancing as I transition from interning to taking on a real career in the fashion industry. This is all happening while I finish up my last semester of… See the story > |
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Mireille Sophie-Maria GutierrezFounder of The New OrderSacramento, CAPhotography by Lauri LevenfeldStory by Lauri LevenfeldMireille is a quiet dose of very loud creativity and magic. Ever since I met this young prodigy, I have continually been inspired and moved by her originality, authenticity, and her ability to carry the strength and confidence to stand out. Mireille set out to join the blogging world a year ago and she has already made an impact with her fashionable expressions. Here is her story of how she got to where she is now and where she wants to soon be. Next week, we join Mireille with our latest TWP Women Adrienne Arieff who mentors Mireille on how to take great ideas on the path to success and longevity.
My name is Mireille Sophie-Maria Gutierrez, I am 21 years old and I am an Aquarius. I am currently a full time college student studying management at University of California Merced. In addition, I am co-founder & co-blogger of The New Order blog. Fashion has always been a passion of mine and I have been able to become more inventive and inspired in many ways by working on our blog. The blog chronicles not only current trends in fashion, but also our own preferences on personal style, beauty, culture and sometimes food. See the story > |
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Gabrielle BegunAuthor of Freddy the PennySan Francisco, CAPhotography by Lauri LevenfeldStory by Lauri LevenfeldWhen I heard Gabrielle’s story, my jaw hit the ground. Being a mom of a 5-year old, I was inspired and excited to see how a ten year old had the drive and dedication to take an award-winning writing assignment and turn it into a published first book. That’s exactly what Gabrielle did (with her awesome family beside her!) and now Freddy the Penny is on sale and hopefully coming to a bookshelf near you. I sat down for a Q&A with Gabrielle, and then, asked her mom about the behind the scenes of how she took her daughter’s dreams and helped make them a reality.
Margarita…From day one, when Gabrielle came home from school and announced that she wanted to write a book about a penny, I never stopped believing in her. I was always amazed at her dedication. She began writing at age 8 and finished the book when she was 9. For a year, she would wake up at 6am every day and write for 15-30 minutes. Her dedication encouraged me to do something with her story. At first I showed her finished work to her language arts teacher in school. See the story > |