The Girls!

Rebecca Black

Singer / SongwriterAnaheim Hills, CAStory & Photos by Lauri LevenfeldMakeup by Stephanie Baker
Hair by Kendria Spratt
It is extraordinary what life sometimes hands you. When you think you are going one way, and then, your path suddenly veers and you can’t even remember why or where you started from in the first place. For Rebecca Black, life has certainly thrown some curve balls.  But seven years after her video Friday went viral and the world turned a bit dark; Rebecca has reclaimed her love of music,

performed with her idol Katy Perry, and this fall starts her worldwide tour Love is Love.  What you will find most striking about Rebecca is her passion and devotion to her one true love music, not to mention, her desire to connect honestly and wholeheartedly with words. Rebecca Black is definitely one to watch. 

1.Who is Rebecca Black?

Hahaha that’s a big question! I can honestly say that I don’t know exactly who I am quite yet. I know that I am a 20-year old who is living everyday experiencing some pretty incredible things. I try to take every day as a learning experience and not be too afraid to make a few mistakes along the way. Right now I’m starting to figure out what I really identify with and what is important to me. So who am I? Someone who’s growing.


2. Has music always been your first love? When did it start?

I’ve found myself climbing onto a stage since I was 3 years old. I started with dance, and I think that was what really began to cultivate my personal connection with music. I practically grew a dependency on music and performing as time went on, always finding a way to express myself through it, whether it be through a patriotic performing group on the weekends, dance classes during school, summer musical theatre programs…I think little me just loved the feeling that came with expressing emotion through music…even though I probably wouldn’t be able to explain it like that back then haha! It was at around 10 when I really started to feel I could be doing this for the rest of my life.


3. Tell us about Friday. What did you gain from with this experience? What was the biggest challenge?

What’s kind of amazing about Friday is that it’s allowed me to learn about myself continually through the last (almost) seven years. It started as something that at most I’d hoped would give me a little experience in a studio and ended up giving me the platform to work with some of my idols and actually live out my dreams. Of course it

wasn’t always rainbows and sunshine, trying to grow up and figure out who you are is a weird process for any teenager to deal with. After Friday, I felt a lot of pressure to get through that process quicker because there were now so many other people involved.

No one can teach you how to deal with something like that, and how can anyone expect a little kid to figure themselves out so quickly when in reality most adults haven’t even gotten there? This took me a while to understand, but now I’m in a place where the pressure has lessened a bit…and I can channel that into my music. In fact, my new single Heart Full of Scars” talks about this. My new EP is coming out soon and that will let you into more of who I am now, and how that’s come to be as a result of Friday and life since then. Sometimes I think about what’s happened these past 6 years and I realize that I’ve got a lot of resilience, and I’ve had to have that in order to get through this weird, crazy situation. At the same time I’ve gained some empathy. I can really feel for other people because I have been through some pretty tough pain myself.


4. Who are your role models?

Speaking of idols, Katy Perry is someone I have looked up to for years. Working with her only solidified how much I look up to her. She has always been unapologetic with what she does, and she knows how to command a room without an air of aggressiveness or intimidation – which is something I really admire. I have so much respect for her. Someone I also really look up to is Shari Short, a songwriter I’ve worked with for the last 2 years who’s helped me develop myself as a writer and artist. She puts so much passion into everything and every song she is a part of.

5. How would you describe your music today? And tell us about your upcoming tour this year.

It’s honest. Of course every song stems from personal experience and perspective. Something I also focused on with this music was finding the words that were the most real while saying them in a way in which others could relate. There’s so much comfort in knowing you’re not alone, huh?

On the ‘Love is Love’ tour I want to share my experiences with people and say ‘Listen, you can come back from being the underdog, from being bullied or being laughed at’…and you can be happy. We could all use some more encouragement and connection, and that’s what I want people to take away from this show. You are never alone and there are like minded people out there that are looking for you too! I, myself, am so excited to finally be able to meet some of the faces and names I have only known through the internet thus far, have a real life conversation and to be able to jam to this new music together! I want them to see that, yes it has been a struggle, but here I am. Still going strong. Still doing my music. Still doing the thing I love.


6. Do you have a girl tribe? What do you look for most in a girlfriend?

I’m lucky to be surrounded by some pretty amazing and inspiring women in my life. I’m not sure if there’s one thing I could say that I

‘look for’ in a friend, but it is important to be honest. What I do love is the feeling of freedom that comes with a friendship without constant judgement – where you can each just be who you are without any the need to fit in with the other.


 7. What is your process in writing a song? Where do you find your inspiration?

I find it helpful to keep a list on my phone of concepts, sometimes they turn into lyrics, titles, sometimes they’re experiences or memories I don’t want to forget that’ll inspire something. I love co-writing because the ideas are always being bounced off of one another, and I always find myself learning so much from whoever’s in the room, whether it be about life, love, music, culture…it’s fascinating.


8. What song best describes you? And who are some of your music icons?

There are so many songs out there that I feel like came straight from the thoughts in my head, like Heartburn by Wafia, Electric by Alina Baraz, Running with the Wolves by Aurora…each of those lines up with a certain strain of thought process I’ve got going on, haha. Donald Glover, Young the Giant, The Killers, Kendrick Lamar are definitely a few I’d name of my own icons.

9. You just went up to Oregon to see the Eclipse, what was it like? Where do you find your spiritual solace/ connections?

It was stunning!! So worth the trip, can’t stress that enough. This feeling of peace and utter awe comes over you. There is something to that alignment that is so beautiful.

I think it’s so important to try to tune in and hear yourself, not in a critical or judgmental way, but out of consideration and respect for yourself. It is so easy to get caught in the fluff and busyness we get ourselves into everyday and we’re not aware of how we’re really feeling. Once we can start to be real with ourselves, it can become a lot easier to deal with the good and bad of life.

10. What’s next for Rebecca Black?

I can’t wait to let this music finally have it’s moment, while keeping on with bettering what I’m creating. There is still so much out there to do and try and experience – I definitely would love to travel more, really explore my Latin roots and the culture surrounding them.. Visiting Central and South America is up there on my list right now too.

Get your Tickets Here for Rebecca Black’s Love is Love Tour. 

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